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The Fullington Road Monster

Release Date: Fall 2025

Genre(s): Upmarket, Psychological Thriller 

Daphne Ware knows monsters are real.
During the summer of 1985, the return of a legendary creature to the family farm lights the fuse of an already volatile environment.
Then Daphne meets Sean, who is gorgeous, but surrounded by rumors and treachery.

Despite her efforts to protect the people she loves, tragedy strikes.
Daphne discovers that fighting her family’s battles and taking flak from her alcoholic father isn’t what scares her the most. Grief and betrayal are far worse.


Daphne must face the monsters that haunt her or lose what is left of her family.


Emily Rozmus

Emily Rozmus grew up in the old house on her family’s farm listening to the scary stories her father shared at the dinner table. Add in an English teacher mother, and it was inevitable she embraced books, literature, and writing. She has been an English teacher and a school librarian, pushing books to young readers.


Currently, Emily works for an online library with eBooks accessible to all Ohio students. She lives in her hometown with her husband, not far from the fields where she grew up.


The Fullington Road Monster is her debut novel.



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