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The Daughter of the Veil

Release Date: December 2024

Subgenre(s): Fantasy, Dark Romance

Trope: Fated Mates, Found Family, Chosen One

Spice: Three-point-five

A Power

In a land divided between Fae and humans, an ancient wickedness threatens to plunge the world into chaos. Only Erissa Nierling—one blessed with the powers of the Creator and able to see the souls fated to pass into the Veil—will tip the balance. But magic is outlawed in the city of Emberhold, and Erissa knows nothing of her birthright after a lifetime of being locked behind the spelled gates of her father’s keep. When she finally escapes and runs into the blacksmith, Rhazien, he helps her flee the city, triggering a prophecy that reignites a long-dead war between the gods.

A Secret

Now hunted by Fae and humans alike, Erissa and Rhazien must avoid those seeking to claim her magic. But the world is much larger than Erissa thought. A disembodied soul keeps appearing with warnings, and Rhazien is hiding something, testing the bond of their relationship.

A Choice

As an ancient wickedness closes in, the Keeper of the Veil will stop at nothing to claim her magic. With Rhazien’s life on the line, dark truths force Erissa to make a damning choice, for what comes next will redefine realms even if it costs her very soul and the freedom she has always desired.

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Brittany Johnston

Brittany Johnston is a writer, editor, and professor living along the North Carolina coastline with her fiancé, two children, and one incredibly spoiled pittie, Hendrick. She considers herself a professional student after getting graduate degrees in English and Creative Writing, and she is currently working on her doctorate in English Literature where she advocates for the agency readers find in dark romance and the need to redefine romance as a genre to encompass all the various and beautiful ways that people experience love.

Brittany's writing contains plot, spice, and everything morally gray. She writes epic fantasy with romance for readers who want to go on a journey with hauntingly flawed characters and spicy scenes that off a side of magic and darker elements that take readers to places they wouldn't quite expect. If life has taught her anything, it's that people are morally gray in the most fascinating ways, herself included. Being able to explore this peels back the layers everyone has and shows all that humanity has to offer.

When she’s not working, Brittany can be found with her family and friends playing Dungeons and Dragons or World of WarCraft, painting mini figurines for their family game nights, reading, or cooking up something in the kitchen.

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