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Writer's pictureBruce Buchanan

How a Writing Community Can Up Your Writing Game

Writing often is a solitary pursuit, and there’s some truth in the notion of the writer-as-introvert. We spent plenty of time hunched over our keyboards, lost in imaginary worlds of our own creation.

But taking your writing to the next level requires help—the type only found in a writing community. 

What Can You Gain From a Writing Community?

A community of fellow writers can offer valuable feedback on your works in progress, as well as possible new approaches you may not have considered. Just as importantly, your writing buddies serve as a support system. When the rejections roll in and you doubt your worth as a writer (and believe me—that will happen if it hasn’t already), having that encouragement can mean the difference between giving up and finding a way through to publication.

Recently, a writing friend passed along a call for submissions to a monster-themed anthology. I had the admittedly wacky idea of, “How about a rom-com story, but with a Bigfoot mystery?” I wrote the first draft and it was...meh. I liked my basic concept, but the rom-com story beats just weren’t working. It was destined for the “This isn’t a good fit for our publication” pile as written.

I first turned to my wife, Amy Joyner Buchanan—my most trusted advisor, on everything. She helped me straighten out some key plot points, some of which I hadn’t even realized needed fixing. 

Her edits got my story to a better place, but it still needed work. So I reached out to Conquest Publishing author Brianne Ritchie Córdova, whose rom-com novel Cream and Punishment is scheduled for a Spring 2025 release. Brianne and I had connected on Instagram, and she graciously agreed to critique my story. As a rom-com writer, she has a voice for the genre’s flirty dialogue I simply lack. Her dialogue edits moved my story up another notch, and when I submitted my third draft to the anthology, it was accepted for publication! That doesn’t happen without the input Amy & Brianne provided.

How Can You Find a Writing Community?

Finding a writing community sounds tough. But there are countless online resources that can connect you with fellow authors. The Writer’s Workout is one I’ve found and enjoyed, but there are many others. 

Facebook is another great option, as there are many writing-focused groups, often organized by genre. If you want to connect with fellow romance writers, or sci-fi scribes for example, there’s a Facebook group out there.

Finally, you can connect with fellow authors individually on Instagram, Twitter, and other social media platforms. Most are more than willing to offer helpful suggestions. Search for #writingcommunity—it’s like a Bat-signal for writers open to friendly dialogue.

How Do You Find the Right Fit?

The best way to build a writing community is simply to make yourself helpful! Offer feedback when other writers ask for suggestions. Volunteer to be a beta reader. Read another author’s book and give them a review on Goodreads, Amazon, etc. Boost their social media posts and celebrate their successes.

In short, treat your fellow writers the way you want to be treated. Most writers are passionate about their work, and if you help them, they will be more than willing to reciprocate. But, in helping other writers, you also will discover the joy of nurturing someone’s dream. 

Bruce Buchanan is the senior communications writer for an international law firm by day. He is the author of short stories in the upcoming Wild Ink Publishing anthologies Tenpenny Dreadfuls, Clio’s Curious Dash Through Time, and UnCensored Ink. A longtime lover of fantasy and heroic fiction, he lives in Greensboro, N.C. with his wife, Amy, and their 17-year-old son, Jackson. Follow him at @BBuchananWomble and @brucebuchanan7710.

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